More about Anxiety

We all experience anxiety to at least some degree…It’s inevitable that we’ll all have moments in life when we’ll feel nervous, worried, fearful, or uneasy.  Anxiety is a normal and healthy emotion.  Some people, however, have feelings of anxiety that may be considered excessive or out of proportion to the actual perceived danger in a situation.  When anxiety becomes consuming, leads to panic attacks, or gets in the way of normal functioning in some or all areas of life, it’s something one should consider seeking help for. The good news is that even severe anxiety, when appropriately addressed and treated, is something that most people can find relief from.

Treatment for anxiety can come in the form of talk-therapy (mental health counseling) or medication management.  Although some medication can be helpful in the treatment of anxiety, it’s widely accepted that to be most effective, psychiatric medication should be used in conjunction with talk-therapy – and some people find the relief they are hoping to gain by attending therapy alone.

Therapy for anxiety will likely include the following:

  1. Education about anxiety, common symptoms, and methods of treatment
  2. Understanding underlying reasons/causes for anxiety
  3. Identification of anxiety-provoking triggers
  4. Exploration of the role one’s thoughts have in increasing anxiety
  5. Planned exposure to things that cause anxiety for the purpose of desensitization
  6. Learning thought/behavioral strategies for dealing with anxiety in a healthy way

The information on this page speaks to anxiety in a very general sense and treatment will look very different depending on the Therapist’s approach and type and severity of anxiety.  Some of the different types of anxiety include, but are not limited to: generalized anxiety, anxiety linked to specific circumstances or things (think phobias), panic disorder, or social anxiety. Labels (or diagnoses) for anxiety are not always necessary, but when appropriate, can be helpful in creating a better understanding of what it is that’s being experienced.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone and that with a little bit of professional support, it can get better!  In fact, failing to appropriately deal with anxiety can often times lead to a worsening of anxiety-related symptoms.

If you’d like to schedule an appointment to start tackling your anxiety, or if you just have any questions, feel free to send us a message.  You can also call or text 727-258-5231.